@440 Stealthography (Discovered)

We know The Meaning of Life, it's in the scream of my bottleneck-slide...
Apollo 440

Here's what we've all been waiting for since the exploration of electricity...

The Apollo 440 Discography

Where do you want to get beamed today?
Original Artistical Releases
Remixes and Supplemental Appearances
Exclusive Compilation Appearances
The Musicians
about this discography
apollofourforty worldwideclicks

Take Off

This discography was assembled by Jörg Fitzner.

Established: 1996-12-06
Last Updated: 2010-04-04

Many thanks to:
Apollo 440, Ashley Krajewski, Paul Kodish, Joachim Langer, Dirk Dreyer, Andrew Sutton, Axel Lünebach, Doug Ross, Mark Wasiel, Andrew Nestler, Peter Visontay, Johannes Mertmann, Jon Jenssen, Jon Masciana, Peter Cornely, John Field, Graham Reed, Miles Sturt, Meike Pabst, Michael Szweblik, Mathias Blühdorn, Jan Justesen, Nick Stutley and Ralph Schneider.

Comments, additions, corrections, questions, etc. always welcome.

May the sound be with you.

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Title: @440 Stealthography
Source-URL: <http://www.soundslogic.com/fisonic/apollo440/stealthography/index.html>